1. We are actively promoting mask use and physical distancing of hotel guests and our staff (when assisting other customers away from the front desk). We like your smile, but we can wait to see your smile until the world is safer!
2. Extra cleaning procedures and sanitization across the entire property. Excess pillows, items and other usual hotel furnishings have been removed to keep you safe. Please contact the front desk for anything you require.
3. On HOTEL-DIRECT BOOKINGS ONLY, free cancellation of your rooms in the event you develop symptoms or confirm you had contact with someone with COVID-19 within 14 days of your stay. We require written proof, either by doctor’s note or positive COVID-19 contact confirmation, to exempt you of the cancellation penalties.
4. No visitation into the hotel is permitted at this time to limit the contact of our staff and other guests with possible COVID-19 cases. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.
5. Luggage handling and luggage service has been suspended at this time. Hotel room service and deliveries will be done in a contactless manner with no entry of our staff into the room. We will try our best to maintain high service standards while keeping you, our staff and other guests safe.